This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 4.0. Go to the current stable version
# Yamaha MusicCast Binding

Binding to control Yamaha models via their MusicCast protocol (aka Yamaha Extended Control). With support for 4 zones : main, zone2, zone3, zone4. Main is always present. Zone2, Zone3, Zone4 are read from the model.
UDP events are captured to reflect changes in the binding for
- Power
- Mute
- Volume
- Input
- Presets
- Sleep
- Artist
- Track
- Album
- Album Art
- Repeat
- Shuffle
- Play Time
- Total Time
- Musiccast Link
If your Yamaha model doesn't support the MusicCast protocol, please try the Yamaha Receiver Binding (opens new window) instead.
# Supported Things
Each model (AV Receiver, ...) is a Thing (Thing Type ID: yamahamusiccast:device). Things are linked to a Bridge (Thing Type ID: yamahamusiccast:bridge) for receiving UDP events.
# Discovery
No auto discovery
# Thing Configuration
Parameter | Type | Description | Advanced | Required |
host | String | IP address of the Yamaha model (AVR, ...) | false | true |
syncVolume | Boolean | Sync volume across linked models (default=false) | false | false |
defaultAfterMCLink | String | Default Input value for client when MC Link is broken | false | false |
volumeDbMin | Number | Lowest volume in dB. | true | false |
volumeDbMax | Number | Highest volume in dB. | true | false |
Default value for defaultAfterMCLink is NET RADIO (as net_radio) as most of the models have this on board. You can also use RADIO / TUNER (as tuner).
# Channels
channel | type | description |
power | Switch | Power ON/OFF |
mute | Switch | Mute ON/OFF |
volume | Dimmer | Volume as % (recalculated based on Max Volume Model) |
volumeAbs | Number | Volume as absolute value |
volumeDB | Number:Dimensionless | Volume in decibel (dB) (availability depends on device) |
input | String | See below for list |
soundProgram | String | See below for list |
selectPreset | String | Select Netradio/USB preset (fetched from Model) |
sleep | Number | Fixed values for Sleep : 0/30/60/90/120 in minutes |
recallScene | Number | Select a scene (8 defaults scenes are foreseen) |
artist | String | Artist |
track | String | Track |
album | String | Album |
albumArt | Image | Album Art |
repeat | String | Toggle Repeat. Available values: Off, One, All |
shuffle | String | Toggle Shuffle. Available values: Off, On, Songs, Album |
playTime | String | Play time of current selection: radio, song, track, ... |
totalTime | String | Total time of current selection: radio, song, track, ... |
mclinkStatus | String | Select your Musiccast Server or set to Standalone, Server or Client |
Zones | description |
zone1-4 | Zone 1 to 4 to control Power, Volume, ... |
playerControls | Separate zone for Play, Pause, ... |
# Input List
Firmware v1
cd / tuner / multi_ch / phono / hdmi1 / hdmi2 / hdmi3 / hdmi4 / hdmi5 / hdmi6 / hdmi7 / hdmi8 / hdmi / av1 / av2 / av3 / av4 / av5 / av6 / av7 / v_aux / aux1 / aux2 / aux / audio1 / audio2 / audio3 / audio4 / audio_cd / audio / optical1 / optical2 / optical / coaxial1 / coaxial2 / coaxial / digital1 / digital2 / digital / line1 / line2 / line3 / line_cd / analog / tv / bd_dvd / usb_dac / usb / bluetooth / server / net_radio / rhapsody / napster / pandora / siriusxm / spotify / juke / airplay / radiko / qobuz / mc_link / main_sync / none
Firmware v2
cd / tuner / multi_ch / phono / hdmi1 / hdmi2 / hdmi3 / hdmi4 / hdmi5 / hdmi6 / hdmi7 /
hdmi8 / hdmi / av1 / av2 / av3 / av4 / av5 / av6 / av7 / v_aux / aux1 / aux2 / aux / audio1 /
audio2 / audio3 / audio4 / audio5 / audio_cd / audio / optical1 / optical2 / optical / coaxial1 / coaxial2 /
coaxial / digital1 / digital2 / digital / line1 / line2 / line3 / line_cd / analog / tv / bd_dvd /
usb_dac / usb / bluetooth / server / net_radio / rhapsody /napster / pandora / siriusxm /
spotify / juke / airplay / radiko / qobuz / tidal / deezer / mc_link / main_sync / none
# Sound Program
munich_a / munich_b / munich / frankfurt / stuttgart / vienna / amsterdam / usa_a / usa_b / tokyo / freiburg / royaumont / chamber / concert / village_gate / village_vanguard / warehouse_loft / cellar_club / jazz_club / roxy_theatre / bottom_line / arena / sports / action_game / roleplaying_game / game / music_video / music / recital_opera / pavilion / disco / standard / spectacle / sci-fi / adventure / drama / talk_show / tv_program / mono_movie / movie / enhanced / 2ch_stereo / 5ch_stereo / 7ch_stereo / 9ch_stereo / 11ch_stereo / stereo / surr_decoder / my_surround / target / straight / off
# Full Example
# Bridge & Thing(s)
Bridge yamahamusiccast:bridge:virtual "YXC Bridge" {
Thing device Living "YXC Living" [host="", defaultAfterMCLink="none", syncVolume=false, volumeDbMin=-80, volumeDbMax=-10]
# Basic setup
Switch YamahaPower "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#power"}
Switch YamahaMute "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#mute"}
Dimmer YamahaVolume "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#volume"}
Number YamahaVolumeAbs "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#volumeAbs"}
Number:Dimensionless YamahaVolumeDb "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#volumeDB"}
String YamahaInput "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#input"}
String YamahaSelectPreset "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#selectPreset"}
String YamahaSoundProgram "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:main#soundProgram"}
# Player controls
Player YamahaPlayer "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:playerControls#player"}
String YamahaArt "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:playerControls#albumArt"}
String YamahaArtist "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:playerControls#artist"}
String YamahaTrack "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:playerControls#track"}
String YamahaAlbum "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:virtual:Living:playerControls#album"}
# MusicCast setup
The idea here is to select what device/model will be the master. This needs to be done per device/model which will then be the slave. If you want the Living to be the master for the Kitchen, select Living - zone (IP) from the thing Kitchen. The binding will check if there is already a group active for which Living is the master. If yes, this group will be used and Kitchen will be added. If not, a new group will be created.
Device A: Living with IP Device B: Kitchen with IP
Set mclinkStatus to Standalone to remove the device/model from the current active group. The group will keep on exist with other devices/models. If the device/model is the server, the group will be disbanded.
String YamahaMCLinkStatus "" {channel="yamahamusiccast:device:Living:main#mclinkStatus"}
During testing with the Yamaha Musiccast app, when removing a slave from the group, the status of the client remained client and input stayed on mclink. Only when changing input, the slave was set to standalone. Therefor you can set the parameter defaultAfterMCLink to an input value supported by your device to break the whole Musiccast Link in OH.
# How to use this in a rule?
The label uses the format Thinglabel - zone (IP). The value which is sent to OH uses the format IP***zone.
sendCommand(Kitchen_YamahaMCServer, "***main")
sendCommand(Kitchen_YamahaMCServer, "")
sendCommand(Kitchen_YamahaMCServer, "server")
sendCommand(Kitchen_YamahaMCServer, "client")
# Tested Models
RX-D485 / WX-010 / WX-030 / ISX-80 / YSP-1600 / RX-A860 / R-N303D / EX-A1080 / WXA-050 / HTR-4068 (RX-V479) MusicCast 20 / WCX-50 / RX-V6A / YAS-306 / ISX-18D / WX-021 / YAS-408