Interface Bridge

All Superinterfaces:
Identifiable<ThingUID>, Thing

@NonNullByDefault public interface Bridge extends Thing
A Bridge is a Thing that connects other Things.
Dennis Nobel - Initial contribution, Christoph Weitkamp - Added method `getThing(ThingUID)`
  • Method Details

    • getThing

      @Nullable Thing getThing(ThingUID thingUID)
      Gets the thing for the given UID or null if no thing with the UID exists.
      thingUID - thing UID
      the thing for the given UID or null if no thing with the UID exists
    • getThings

      List<Thing> getThings()
      Returns the children of the bridge.
    • getHandler

      @Nullable BridgeHandler getHandler()
      Gets the bridge handler.
      Specified by:
      getHandler in interface Thing
      the handler which can be null for a Thing that is not initialized. Note that a Bridge is guaranteed to be initialized before its children. It is therefore safe to call getBridge().getHandler() for a subordinate Thing