Interface ReadyService

@NonNullByDefault public interface ReadyService
Registry for ReadyMarkers. Services may use the ReadyService in order to denote they have completed loading/processing something.

Interested parties may register as a tracker for ReadyMarkers. Optionally they can provide a ReadyMarkerFilter in order to restrict the ReadyMarkers they get notified for.

Alternatively, isReady(ReadyMarker) can be used to check for any given ReadyMarker.

Simon Kaufmann - Initial contribution
  • Method Details

    • markReady

      void markReady(ReadyMarker readyMarker)
      Register the given marker as being "ready".
      readyMarker -
    • unmarkReady

      void unmarkReady(ReadyMarker readyMarker)
      Removes the given marker.
      readyMarker -
    • isReady

      boolean isReady(ReadyMarker readyMarker)
      readyMarker -
      true if the given ReadyMarker is registered as being "ready".
    • registerTracker

      void registerTracker(ReadyService.ReadyTracker readyTracker)
      Adds the given tracker. It will be notified for all ReadyMarkers.
      readyTracker -
    • registerTracker

      void registerTracker(ReadyService.ReadyTracker readyTracker, ReadyMarkerFilter filter)
      Adds the given tracker. It will be notified for a ReadyMarker changes related to those which match the given filter criteria.

      The provided tracker will get notified about the addition of all existing readyMarkers right away.

      readyTracker -
      filter -
    • unregisterTracker

      void unregisterTracker(ReadyService.ReadyTracker readyTracker)
      Removes the given tracker. The provided tracker will get notified about the removal of all existing readyMarkers right away.
      readyTracker -