Package org.openhab.core.library.items
package org.openhab.core.library.items
ClassesClassDescriptionThis item identifies a telephone call by its origin and destination.A ColorItem can be used for color values, e.g.A ContactItem can be used for sensors that return an "open" or "close" as a state.A DateTimeItem stores a timestamp including a valid time zone.A DimmerItem can be used as a switch (ON/OFF), but it also accepts percent values to reflect the dimmed state.An ImageItem holds the binary image data as its status.A LocationItem can be used to store GPS related informations, addresses...A NumberItem has a decimal value and is usually used for all kinds of sensors, like temperature, brightness, wind, etc.An
allows to control a player, e.g.A RollershutterItem allows the control of roller shutters, i.e.A StringItem can be used for any kind of string to either send or receive from a device.A SwitchItem represents a normal switch that can be ON or OFF.