Interface TlsProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
TlsCertificateProvider, TlsTrustManagerProvider

@NonNullByDefault public interface TlsProvider
Provides some TLS validation implementation for the given host name You should implement one of children of this interface, in order to request the framework to use a specific implementation for the given host. NOTE: implementations of this interface should be immutable, to guarantee efficient and correct functionality
Martin van Wingerden - Initial contribution
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Host name for which this tls-provider is intended.
  • Method Details

    • getHostName

      String getHostName()
      Host name for which this tls-provider is intended. It can either be matched on common-name (from the certificate) or peer-host / peer-port based on the actual ssl-connection. Both options can be used without further configuration.
      a host name in string format, eg: (based on certificate common-name) or (based on peer host/port)